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Summer Idol

Dołączył: 17 Wrz 2007 Posty: 1623 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 17:30:55 13-05-08 Temat postu: 6 SERIA |
Ma powstać 6 sezon, tak więc zakładam ten temat xP
a to chyba pierwszy spoiler
"Since its sort of already come out in the promo I guess I can release what I was sworn to secrecy about. 6.02 will be filmed in Vegas. The only thing is I don't know if its "Vegas" in Wilmington or actually Vegas, Nevada. Its supposed to pose as the latter. And why its 6.02 instead of 6.01 I have no idea, unless I got some wrong info. Thats all I know though".
SEASON 6 PROMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anqnsOqxSrQ
6.03 Sophia and Jackson filming a scene 7/18/08 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfBP62HOphU
Michaela McManus może powrócić do serialu "One Tree Hill" (Pogoda na miłość) na nowy sezon! Zgodę na udział aktorki w tej serii wyrazili producenci "Law & Order: SVU", którzy zatrudnili McManus w swoim projekcie.
Wydawało się, że szanse na powrót postaci Lindsey do Tree Hill są niemalże zerowe. Tym bardziej, że McManus dostała rolę w 10. sezonie "Prawo i bezprawie" jako postać regularna.
Okazuje się jednak, że nowi szefowie są bardzo wyrozumiali dla aktorki i zezwolili jej na dalszą grę w "Pogodzie na miłość". Nie wiadomo na razie w ilu odcinkach 6. sezonu "One Tree Hill" pojawi się Michaela.
Coraz większą popularność przy realizacji seriali zyskuje praktyka wedle której za kamerą, w roli reżysera, stają sami aktorzy. Podobnie będzie w przypadku "One Tree Hill" i Bethany Joy Galeotti.
Aktorka, która od początku istnienia serii wciela się w rolę Haley, stanie za kamerą. Bethany Joy Galeotti wyreżyseruje jeden odcinek z nadchodzącej szóstej serii "Pogody na miłość".
6.04 Joy and Jackson filmed this morning at Dan’s beach house. Joy and Jackson are currently filming at Q’s grave. Jamie leaves him a toy basketball.
LP dream:
He brings her lillies. They peck. There's a little bit of "are you cheating on me with the mailman Peyton?" joking. Then he asks her if it's what she wished for and she says its more than she wished for. Then it goes into the LL dream.
BL dream:
He takes her name (Davis). He says I love you Brooke Davis. He brings her roses.
6.01 This is how his conversation with Gus ends:
Lucas: I know I made the right choice.
Gus: That's where they get you thinking you have a choice. It's got a little to do with destiny. Fate. What's written in the stars. And the fact that women are just a whole lot smarter than us. Whily. But if you need to believe that you had a choice- I'd say you made the right one.
Lucas: Why?
Gus: She showed up.
6.02 there is a Leyton/Jamie scene in 6.02 & a Lucas/Jamie scene in Peyton's bedroom (in Brooke's house)
6.03 Brooke/Haley scene by NH's pool was filmed last night.
6.04 I’ve got reports from both Catherine and Denise that Nathan, Quentin and Skills filmed at the RiverCourt this morning. They went over and did photos and autographs. Denise talked to some crew and they said Nathan and Jamie are filming at Jamie’s school at 3 today.
6.04 Nathan/Skills at RC: Only Nathan can see Quentin. (like a vision)
BP COB scene: Peyton picks up a lot of the clothes that are thrown out of the store. Before Peyton leaves, Brooke asks her to give back her house key. As Peyton leaves she kinda "scares" off the onlookers who were trying to take the clothes again.
The whole gang meets together at NH's house before heading to the funeral. This is about halfway through the episode.
There was a scene filmed with just Nathan/Haley/Jamie at their house towards the end of the episode. I believe that it is right before they go to the wake, but I'm not positive.
-Cooper Lee may return to tree hill for a wedding
-Taylor James returns with heartbreaking news for Haley. Taylor also hangs out with her nephew, Jamie. She takes him to a waterpark
-Danneel Harris has confirmed months ago that she will be back for season 6. Expect Rachel to return mid-season
-Chris Keller returns to become a client of Peyton at her label.
-Moira Kelly(Karen) and Kieren Hutchison(Andy) may return mid season also. Karen has a ring around her finger but not a wedding ring.
-Larry Sawyer may also make acouple appearances this season and one includes a wedding.
-Tim and Bevin may also make an appearance or two. There may be a flashback on how they got together.
-Barry Corbin may reprise his role of Whitey Durham but it may end in tragic and it will effect Nathan and Lucas heavily.
Hi, I was there and saw them filming. The first scene was between Naley. Nathan was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt and Haley was wearing sweat pants and a normal shirt. Nathan was shooting around, got a call on his cell phone, Haley drove up, the talked a little, then they hugged.
The second scene was also Naley, they were sitting at a picnic table just talking. Haley was wearing a really pretty green dress and Nathan was wearing a converse shirt with khaki pants.
The third scene was with Leyton. They were dressed nice, Luke was wearing a nice shirt with nice pants and Peyton was wearing a black dress with a blue/green shirt over it. She was holding his arms and I think they just said a few words, none of it was as long as Naley's though.
They are filming at the cemetary now. I'm guessing Q's funeral which we already heard Brooke won't be at.
LP attend Q's funeral together.
Peyton shows her support to Lucas by going to Quentin's wake with him. Nathan, Haley and Skills were also there.
Peyton and Lucas scene at the River Court.
There were scenes filmed at Quentin's house for the wake. Lucas, Peyton, Nathan, Haley, Skills, and Jamie were definitely there.
"I could work out the scenes but no dialogue sorry. James and Joy filmed 2 different scenes. One was them both in workout clothes, although it was only James working out. Joy just drives into the scene to talk to him. Then they have another scene where they are dressed up."
About LP. It was a very short scene... No kissing .... But she did have her arm in his arm (if that makes sense
He had on jeans and a shirt... She had a skirt on a black one with a green tank.... Looked very very thin to me....
The comet was parked behind them, but they didn't get in and out of it....It really wasn't a lovey scene they were just talking, and you can't hear them while filming.....
Nope had nothing to do with river court writing if that is what your talking about....
It was supposed to be night. I don't know how long they filmed, but it was around 7pm when I drove through & they weren't filming yet but had all the big lights they use for night out there. My friend said she went out there around 9pm & they were filming, so it was dark by then. My sister is the one who saw Peyton's car when we drove by, so I don't know if they did something earlier involving Hilarie or what.
I have seen a small spoiler about NH few minutes ago. And it is completely veritable spoiler. They definitely filmed a ‘Naley kiss scene’ very recently. It was not actually a heavy kiss. But in that scene, Nathan was kissing on Haley’s neck while mumbling something. My friend said (she works on set currently) that they filmed it in their living room. However that scene was not only about Naley. Because she said, S/D were bursting into the living room like horny rabbits when it happens. Eww!... cool
And i have a little info about Dan/Carrie (not much). But i'll post it soon.
this friday the 18th they need extras, so if you'll be in town definitely call fincanon. i called today and they said i need to wear a black dress and my boyfriend needs to wear a black suit, i'm thinking funeral. so if you don't want to be an extra, look around at the graveyard or churches on friday! that's all i know so far
hi everyone i was watching them shoot scenes today at the studio and I saw Chad and Joy while looking in through the gates and I saw Hilarie walking around downtown close to c/b so maybe she was going to film a scene or to see Sophia. I didn't see James, Jackson, Paul, Antwon, or Barbra today so maybe better luck tomorrow.
Scene 9: Haley's Classroom. Haley enters the room and finds her students looking "somber", and hugging each other. The room is silent until Haley begins to speak. She doesn't know what to say to the students, just as she didn't know what to say to her son, who loved Quentin. Haley looks at Quentin's desk, and asks if anyone would like to talk about how they're feeling. A boy interrupts, asking, "What's the point?" Quentin's gone forever because someone shot him, what's the point in talking about it? Haley is momentarily unable to answer, before dropping into her chair with the words, "There is no point."
Scene 36: Haley's Classroom. Haley is walking around the room, and stops at Quentin's desk when she notices a message written on it: "We miss you." Haley asks who wrote it, and the boy from earlier responds that he did. When Haley asks for the marker, the boy assumes he will be punished. Instead, Haley also signs the desk with a quote from Les Miserables: "He who does not weep does not see." She then asks who wants to sign the desk next, before holding out the marker. Her class surrounds the desk and sign it, one by one. Haley returns to her own desk, and notices Samantha, who is wearing the purple shirt she stole from Clothes Over Bro's. End of Act Four
My best friend just got back from Wilmington and she found them filming something at COB. She couldn't see what they were filming but their trailers were there and she saw James & Joy leave from there while chatting with each other. Joy was wearing denim skirt with black heels and a white top and James was wearing black color t-shirt with a faded jeans. She said that they do look superhott.
If correct, in the premiere the dreams Lucas has with each girl will be in the beginning of the episode. He will celebrate the first wedding anniversary with each of them and you will see some differences in the dreams. His dreams will start with Brooke then continue with Peyton and then the last one will be with Lindsey.
Vegas may not work out for one couple, so plans may change.
Lucas will share a scene with the trifecta (Lindsey, Peyton, Brooke) in the premiere
LP share a spinny kiss at the airport.
They are definitely filming at the airport for the premiere, so it appears that at least part of the episode will pick up right from the finale.
Hil and Chad filmed two scenes, the one in the airport with the same clothes they wore in the finale. And a second one that took place in a car (a rental car), Hil wore the white dress and Chad had on a navy suit.
im pretty sure there was something about love but idk if he said it or she did
but they def had like a hardcore make out session she like moaned and he was like kissing her neck and there was some tongue involved.
This is the dialogue with LP at the airport that was told to me by a few people. It may not be perfectly accurate but it's pretty close...
Peyton: You do not just ask someone to marry them over the phone.
Lucas: then why did you come? (kissing)
Peyton: Because you're a mess, Lucas Scott, but you're my mess and I love you.
Lucas: I love you too.
Lucas has the dream and then calls Peyton.
He doesn't wake up to her walking towards him. He wakes up has a short conversation with Gus, calls Peyton, has a longer conversation with Gus.. which ends in Peyton standing there and he turns around and sees her because Gus points her out after he says that it looks like he made the right choice.
BH do have a scene in 601... then they start to talk about Victoria.. then Peyton not coming home.. then Brooke gets a text- from Peyton. And Haley gets one from Lucas at the same time- same words. They end the scene assuming that LP are together but not know what they're doing since basically the text just says "Don't Worry I'm okay"
Lucas and Peyton rent a car and drive to LA and the same hotel as the first proposal happened
Peyton says something in the car referencing one of Lucas' predictions. She whispers it, Lucas does not hear.
When in the room Peyton will tell him the same thing as she told him in the finale about her dream. She’s going to be seated in the same chair as the first time and she'll scream ‘yes, yes’ before he even has the chance to propose again which he will mention but then they will start making out.
Peyton makes it clear in the dream that he has made her so happy. It's all that she wanted.
In the P and B dreams there are flowers.
They were filming at Lucas' house Friday night. My friend lives in that neighborhood & talked to Chad for a little while. I happened to drive through there earlier before they started filming, & they were setting up. Peyton's car was there, but she didn't say anything about seeing Hilarie. She saw Skills, though.
There was a scene filmed with all the cast members that day too. It was Lucas sitting there with the three photos of the girls and everyone says something like "Pick one," "Come on Luke, pick a girl," and stuff like that.
Lucas' final dream: He is sitting at a card table and the dealer deals him three cards. We see Lindsey's face on one card, Brooke's on another's and Peyton's on the third one. Luke gives each one flowers. The dealer tells him he can only make one choice. Just as Lucas reaches for a card, we see him wake up from his dream at the airport...
Brooke and Lucas get out of a cab in NY and walk to what looks like a hotel entrance. There Lucas and Brooke kiss goodbye and the scene ended. They were also holding hands the whole time. They set up the hotel right next to c/b but you don't see Brooke's store. Its a good scene for you all...they kiss on the lips and look to be in love. He was wearing a suit, him and Sophia were formal. The BL kiss is not a peck.
Just heard Brooke had roses in their scene. I'm assuming they're from Luke.
There is a scene very early in the sixth season premiere where Skills and Brooke are in bed acting romantic. (Yes, I said Skills and Brooke, so what do you think? Dream? Names changed to hide other identities?)
We see a wedding ring on "Brooke's" finger, and then we see "Skills" turn over to her and call her "wifey".
Samantha goes into Clothes over Bros and tries to steal something then Brooke grabs here arm. Samantha pushes Brooke down and runs out. Samantha looks like a 14 year old. She is thin with long brown hair and cute.
We are at clothes over bros and we saw Milli and Brooke's mom.
Sophia is also filming at C/B right now with Daphne and Lisa.
They are definitely filming at the airport for the premiere, so it appears that at least part of the episode will pick up right from the finale.
So a little something new straight from the mouth of Fincannon. Wednesday they are during chapel scenes that include a lesbian couple and a tattooed couple waiting to get married. Thursday is the airport scenes.
The next scene was with Brooke & Millicent and the new character Sam. In this scene it look as though Sam stole something from the store and Millicent and Brooke confronted her. Then Sam tried to leave with the piece of clothing that she put in her bag and Brooke grabbed it out of her bag. We couldn't see what Brooke did next but it look like they almost fought cause Millicent went towards them like she tried to break it up.
The next scene was at night but they put tarps up on all the windows and we couldnt see…all we know that it was a behind the counter shot.
The last scene we saw was Brooke being robbed. That was why they needed a stunt double for Brooke. We haven't figured out who the person robbing her was, it wasn't that Sam girl cause she was really small and the person robbing her was huge and it had to be a guy. Some people we talked to said they saw nanny Carrie walking around downtown but it couldn't have been her, the robber had to be a guy.
From what we could see there was no one else in the store with her at the time. They first used sophia when the robber grabbed Brooke and motioned to throw her on the ground and she screamed. Then they cut and used the stunt to throw on the ground...but we never saw anyone else in the store with her, but that doesnt mena that there wasnt anyone else hidding in the back or something. Fom what it looked like Brooke really didn't have a chance to fight back cause she was on her way out when the guy barged in the front door an grabbed her.
That's the last scene they filmed and they ended with him throwing her on the ground. They might film an additional scene a different day but I know they wrapped after that...it was also really late too so maybe they were all tired, but that was what they ended with.
Lucas will share a scene with the trifecta (Lindsey, Peyton, Brooke) in the premiere. One scene. All four. 'The IMDB thing is erroneous. Someone got their facts mixed up.') I don't think anyone will be fast forwarding that scene, especially LP fans.
We have confirmed that in the first episode there will be a lot of "dream" scenes.
A lot of rumored spoilers are going around it's Peyton... however... all 3 girls will be filming a scene that places them going to Vegas with Lucas.
So... it's still up in the air as to which girl it will ACTUALLY be.
Sophia, Hilarie, and Barbara are all 3 filming today in the studios. Sophia and Hilarie are filming at Brooks house, and i don't know where Barbara fits in.
Peyton and engineer [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Brooke and cab driver [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Quentin dies. Haley notices that Sam is wearing a shirt from Clothes Over Bro's.
Boy: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Quentin's mom and a new friend of Jamie's.
Andre [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Denice [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Brooke is startled when a Man asks for spare change. She starts to throw clothes into the street.
Man (Beggar) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
6.05 Waitress (Brooke & Sam) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
6.05 Bobby (Nathan) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
6.05 Marketing VIP (Lucas & Lindsey) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
6.05 Mover (Brooke & Sam) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
More:[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
fotki podczas kręcenia 6.03- pogrzeb Q
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
więcej zdjęć: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
fotki podczas kręcenia sceny Brooke/Peyton z 6.03 [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Summer dnia 23:30:16 29-07-08, w całości zmieniany 20 razy |
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Mrs.Pattinson Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 01 Sie 2007 Posty: 5200 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 19:04:03 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
jak na razie nic z tego nie kapuje... xd i ten człowiek który to pisał chyba też.
P.S Sabina zmień tytuł tematu na '6 SERIA', tak jak to jest z '5 SERIĄ', żeby było... ładniej. xd |
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Summer Idol

Dołączył: 17 Wrz 2007 Posty: 1623 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 19:05:13 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
dla Ciebie wszystko xD :p |
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Daria. Aktywista

Dołączył: 10 Kwi 2008 Posty: 382 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 19:46:34 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
2 odc. w Las Vegas? Mówię wam, że będzie o ślubie Brucas po pijaku xD |
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Summer Idol

Dołączył: 17 Wrz 2007 Posty: 1623 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 19:58:27 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
Daria. napisał: | 2 odc. w Las Vegas? Mówię wam, że będzie o ślubie Brucas po pijaku xD |
Ejj było już coś takiego [tzn ślub po pijaku] w jakimś filmie.. ;P Tylko nie pamiętam w jakim :p |
Powrót do góry |
Daria. Aktywista

Dołączył: 10 Kwi 2008 Posty: 382 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 20:07:56 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
Oj może być i w tym serialu:D |
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green_tea Wstawiony

Dołączył: 08 Mar 2007 Posty: 4736 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 20:50:47 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
W przyjaciołach Szczeże mówiąc wcale nie przeszkadzało by mi gdyby tu zrobili podobnie (oczywiscie tylko jesli chodzi o Brucasa.Bo ślubu Leyton,nawet po pijaku bym nie zniosla:)) |
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Mrs.Pattinson Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 01 Sie 2007 Posty: 5200 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 21:33:13 13-05-08 Temat postu: |
Daria. napisał: | 2 odc. w Las Vegas? Mówię wam, że będzie o ślubie Brucas po pijaku xD |
jeśli w Las Vegas, to tylko Brucas, no, ale może nie ślub xd |
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sssnakeee Komandos

Dołączył: 28 Lip 2007 Posty: 773 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: śląsk Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 9:19:21 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
no wlasnie nie slub....popieram:) |
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Aaknil Dyskutant

Dołączył: 10 Maj 2008 Posty: 119 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 11:16:33 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
Daria. napisał: | 2 odc. w Las Vegas? Mówię wam, że będzie o ślubie Brucas po pijaku xD |
Brucas taaaakkk !!! Ale ślub nie, a już na pewno nie po pijaku. Wydaje mi się, że właśnie do Brook zadzwoni,bo oglądałam wczoraj na youtube coś właśnie związanego z tym i na lotnisku byli razem  |
Powrót do góry |
Brooke_Davis Cool

Dołączył: 08 Paź 2007 Posty: 502 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Tree Hill
Wysłany: 16:08:10 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
sabina15 napisał: | Daria. napisał: | 2 odc. w Las Vegas? Mówię wam, że będzie o ślubie Brucas po pijaku xD |
Ejj było już coś takiego [tzn ślub po pijaku] w jakimś filmie.. ;P Tylko nie pamiętam w jakim :p |
W tym nowym 'Co zdarzyło się w Las Vegas' chyba xD |
Powrót do góry |
Daria. Aktywista

Dołączył: 10 Kwi 2008 Posty: 382 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 16:20:04 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
Czytałam, że SPOILER lucaszadzwonidobrookeipowiejejżeciąglejąkochaaletobyłonayoutubewkomentarzudziewczynyktórejnibypowiedziałakoleżankazusaspróbujęwypytaćswoje'znajome'alenieprzeczężebyłobymiłogdybytaamerykankamiałarację xD
Chociaż pewnie to sobie zmyśliła... Boję się tego, co Mark wymyśli na 6 sezon;D |
Powrót do góry |
green_tea Wstawiony

Dołączył: 08 Mar 2007 Posty: 4736 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 16:30:06 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
Gdyby ten spoiler okazal sie prawda..To byloby piekne:) |
Powrót do góry |
Aaknil Dyskutant

Dołączył: 10 Maj 2008 Posty: 119 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 16:31:14 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
ooOOo! to by było cudnie! mam nadzieję,że tak będzie  |
Powrót do góry |
Brooke_Davis Cool

Dołączył: 08 Paź 2007 Posty: 502 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Tree Hill
Wysłany: 17:11:02 14-05-08 Temat postu: |
Nie, nie, nie xD to nie może być prawda. Na bank tak nie będzie xD |
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