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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 15:37:13 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Sinan pomagał Neriman i Necmi, żeby wcześniejsza asystenka Omera znalazła lepszą pracę a na jej miejsce pojawiła się defne  |
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Eclipse Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 23 Kwi 2015 Posty: 6938 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
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Wysłany: 17:00:04 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
EizPerAng napisał: | Sinan pomagał Neriman i Necmi, żeby wcześniejsza asystenka Omera znalazła lepszą pracę a na jej miejsce pojawiła się defne  |
Jak głęboko Sinan 'siedzi" w planie cioteczki? |
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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 17:18:04 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Wie o wszystkim i załatwił Defne prace u Omera |
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Averina Idol

Dołączył: 28 Wrz 2015 Posty: 1446 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 17:28:48 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
A wiecie może co powiedziała Omerowi siostrzyczka Defne, bo oni się przecież spotkali na tej ławce?
I czemu ten brat Defne naraz postanowił zmienić styl? |
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Eclipse Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 23 Kwi 2015 Posty: 6938 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 18:48:10 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
EizPerAng napisał: | Wie o wszystkim i załatwił Defne prace u Omera |
A jaki ma w tym interes? |
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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 19:09:40 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
W pierwszym odcinku Necmi i Neriman namawiają Sinana, żeby im pomógł tłumacząć to szczęsciem Omera....nie wiem jaki ma w tym interes...może po prostu się zgodził? 
Ostatnio zmieniony przez EizPerAng dnia 19:10:13 30-09-15, w całości zmieniany 1 raz |
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MonicaVeronica65 Generał

Dołączył: 15 Sie 2015 Posty: 7650 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: BB Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 19:45:49 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
EizPerAng napisał: | W pierwszym odcinku Necmi i Neriman namawiają Sinana, żeby im pomógł tłumacząć to szczęsciem Omera....nie wiem jaki ma w tym interes...może po prostu się zgodził?  |
A teraz sobie pewnie pluje w brodę Też jestem ciekawa, co mówiła siostra. Serdar zmienił styl, by się przypodobać Nihal (przyjaciółce Defo )  |
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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 21:21:04 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Jeszcze jak sobie przypomnę scenę z pierwszego odcinka co Defne tak patrzyła na Sinana w tej restauracji to Sinan zrozumiał swoje uczucie do Defne dopiero wtedy gdy ona była już zakochana w Omerze Zawsze tak jest, że antagonista uświadamia sobie to co czuje wtedy gdy już bohaterka kocha prota Mam nadzieję, że zwiąże się z Sude i da Defne spokój  |
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Averina Idol

Dołączył: 28 Wrz 2015 Posty: 1446 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 21:42:44 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Ja sobie nie przypominam, żeby Defne dawała Sinanowi jakieś znaki, które mogłyby sprawić, że on uważa, że będzie z tego coś więcej niż przyjaźń. Poza tym, jeśli Sinan wie o wszystkim, to nie wiem jak on to właściwie planował, bo kiedy prawda wyszłaby na jaw i powiedzmy, że nawet byłby z Defne to przecież wątpię, że dogadałby się z Omerem wtedy.
Jestem ciekawa, czy z Sude i Sinanem to będzie tak, że ona chce a on nie chce czy może poprowadzą jakoś to inaczej, bo zapewne coś z nich będzie. Jakby się tak Sude jeszcze z Defne zakumplowała to byłaby fajna czwórka przyjaciół i dwie pary  |
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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 21:54:07 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Po zwiastunie odniosłam wrażenie, że Sude to będzie nowa, miła postać Ale oczywiście pozory mogą mylić... Myślę, że przełom u Sinana nastąpił gdy dostał tą bransoletkę od Defne 
Ostatnio zmieniony przez EizPerAng dnia 21:54:34 30-09-15, w całości zmieniany 1 raz |
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MonicaVeronica65 Generał

Dołączył: 15 Sie 2015 Posty: 7650 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: BB Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 22:00:45 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Averina napisał: | Ja sobie nie przypominam, żeby Defne dawała Sinanowi jakieś znaki, które mogłyby sprawić, że on uważa, że będzie z tego coś więcej niż przyjaźń. Poza tym, jeśli Sinan wie o wszystkim, to nie wiem jak on to właściwie planował, bo kiedy prawda wyszłaby na jaw i powiedzmy, że nawet byłby z Defne to przecież wątpię, że dogadałby się z Omerem wtedy.
Jestem ciekawa, czy z Sude i Sinanem to będzie tak, że ona chce a on nie chce czy może poprowadzą jakoś to inaczej, bo zapewne coś z nich będzie. Jakby się tak Sude jeszcze z Defne zakumplowała to byłaby fajna czwórka przyjaciół i dwie pary  |
Też bym tak chciała, ale już Yase przeszła przemianę więc nie wiem jak to rozwiążą. Myślę, że Sinan będzie jeszcze przez jakiś czas zaślepiony miłością do Defo, a Sude będzie się starać, aż w końcu będzie przełom Skoro ma być ten Deniz to już wystarczy Umusiowi kłopotów  |
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Averina Idol

Dołączył: 28 Wrz 2015 Posty: 1446 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 22:12:08 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Myślę, że Sinan jako dobry przyjaciel po prostu przecierpi stratę Defne i tyle. Naprawdę mocno bym się zdziwiła, gdyby się okazało, że Sinan wchodzi pomiędzy Defne i Omera na siłę. Chyba, żeby przeszedł jakąś niesamowitą przemianę albo chciał oszczędzić Omerowi zawodu, bo nie wie jakie są właściwe zamiary Defne.
Jak tam będzie więcej kłopotów to ja nie wiem, czy drzwi Omerowego gabinetu to wytrzymają  |
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EizPerAng King kong

Dołączył: 09 Cze 2015 Posty: 2893 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Łódź * Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: 22:19:36 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
Kilka zdjęć
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Eclipse Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 23 Kwi 2015 Posty: 6938 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 23:25:51 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
takie coś znalazłam: scenki z odc 14
DEFNE:albertine gone(a book written by proust).what is this about?
OMER:it s about a man.his lover left him.actually the man didn't love the girl so much.he thought if she go, he could be much happier.but when she was gone.....
DEFNE:did he miss her?
OMER:he realised that she is more important than he thought in his life.
DEFNE:so sad..is she back again?
OMER:I dont know.i havent finished yet.last time,i had read when i came here.
DEFNE:when did you come here last time?
OMER:on my birthday.
DEFNE:on your birthday?birthday... weren't you you in rome on your birthday?
OMER:I wasn't
DEFNE:what?i supposed you were in rome...with yasemin.didn't you go together?
OMER:A-HA i got it. you did all...
DEFNE:yes,i did all the stupid things because of that.
OMER:You mean you were jealous.?
DEFNE: actually you,yasemin,rome.I think i was.
OMER:Whereas,i was thinking you here.come on with me.Look,i watched the stars,after i thougt your words about stars.i thought i've blown my mind and i thought i love you.
DEFNE:you looked the stars and thought me,alone,huh?
OMER:And now you re here,you re with me
DEFNE:why am i looking this?anyway,i dont know italian
OMER:I can teach you if u want
DEFNE:Actually i know some words
OMER:For example?
DEFNE:Ciao(Hello), buona sera(gnite),gracias(thanks?
OMER:Gracias is a spanish word,its grazie
DEFNE:Grazie..It means thanks.
DEFNE:Actually i realised that i know nothing about italian.uh!i know one more thing.
OMER:What is that?
DEFNE:Ti amo
OMER:What was that i forgot(he is kidding)
DEFNE:I love you
DEFNE:I mean ti amo means i love you.I wonder,hiw can i say how r you?
OMER:Come stai
DEFNE:Come stai..and what is fine?
OMER:Sto bene,grazie e tu?
DEFNE:You said fine thanks and you.
DEFNE:WOW okay i got it.i can speak italian fluently anymore.
OMER:Oh,i m sure
DEFNE:Okay ask me something
OMER:Come stai?
DEFNE:Sto bene,grazie e tu?
OMER:Ste molto benne
DEFNE:What did u say?
OMER:I am really good
DEFNE:I like italian.maybe we make practise together..after a while..sometimes
OMER:Ricordate sempre questa notte came l'inizio dell' eternita.
DEFNE:What?No way!i cant say this.IMPOSSIBLE.what s the meaning?
OMER:Always remember this night as the beginning of eternity.
DEFNE:There is at least some coffee.I am really glad when i found this ,it's like finding a buried treasure.
OMER:well done,thanks.I had bought when Uncle Sadri(the old mentor shoemaker) came here.
DEFNE:Mobiles...our connections between here and reality.Are you going to switch on your mobile?
OMER:Not now.I don't want to estamblish a connection with real life.i just brought them for you.if you want to call your family,..
DEFNE:Actually i have to call but..I don't know.I feel like in a dream and if we call someone,they can wake us up.
OMER:Dont worry.We won't wake up,because we're not in a dream.we're real.I won't switch on my mobile just because paying attention to who i am with and savoring the moment is much better for me than constantly checking my phone.
DEFNE:What about works?they can't reach you.
OMER:Who cares?No one else makes me feel like you do.Nothing else matters except you.Nevermind all these.come here.let me love you.
DEFNE:What an interesting travel!
Oh!you don't know the news.I had written you a note to meet on the bridge,remember?while i was going to bridge,guess what?
DEFNE:Ms. Yasemin. We were both surprised when we suddenly saw each other.I didn't know what to say.uh!you didn't see yasemin when she fell into the lake.Everyone laughed,and she got mad..but it was quite funny.
OMER:I want to live here.(he means defne's collarbone).
I'm just wondering if it's possible.
DEFNE:You want to kill me ,huh?
OMER:In this way,I can be always with you.
by your side
DEFNE: uh!I'm going to pass out.
(omer kisses defne's shoulder)
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Eclipse dnia 23:38:31 30-09-15, w całości zmieniany 4 razy |
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Eclipse Mocno wstawiony

Dołączył: 23 Kwi 2015 Posty: 6938 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: 23:42:05 30-09-15 Temat postu: |
muszę dodać post pod postem bo chyba już za dużo znaków i linki nie działają
DEFNE:Wow wow wow.Mashallah(it s a local word and hasn't got a spesific meaning.that s why i cant translate this word) .There is also everything on the fridge.Great!i think we should organize a dinner party and also we can invite our neighbours.it would be amazing!
OMER:I m sorry.I didnt know we would come here so i couldnt shopping.
DEFNE:you cant be serious.you had to think those things.Ugh!whatever
OMER:You're right.err...there is a market nearby.i m going,now.
DEFNE:(Smiling) calm down omer,just kidding,calm down,calm
OMER:You seriously jape me huh?
DEFNE:seems like that
OMER:You tricked me
OMER:this has a punishment, you know
DEFNE:what?what kind of punishment?just joking like you did in the forest.didnt you say ' we are lost'? i shouted,and shouted.
OMER:You re so beautiful.
DEFNE:Oh,i m not hungry anymore
OMER:Errm,i ve a plan.We can eat foods on the fridge for today and tomorrow i m going to go to market.it s not far from here. 30 min approximately
DEFNE:Deal.but dont forget to buy 'pazı'(it s a kind of traditional vegetable).
i'll cook ''pazı sarması '' for you.(thats omer ' s favourite dish.defne cooked pazi before in 5.th episode)
OMER:OKAY,i ll buy if it s not late.
DEFNE:Are we too late?(she s talking about pazı season)
OMER:No,this is the best time(he is talking about their love.
DEFNE:where are you defne?what are you doing on this way?life is really weird.
OMER:Defne are you okay?
DEFNE:i m okay.i m very well.Never before had i felt like this so i'm afraid.
OMER:We get used to being happy
DEFNE:Getting used to happiness..Sounds great.
OMER:I m going to shopping to buy somethings and 'pazı'(it s a traditional vegetable)
DEFNE:Wow,you remember
OMER:You promised me
DEFNE:I did,okay,i m going to cook
OMER:Do you need any other thing?
OMER:Errr...okay.I m going to back in a few hours.Wait me here.don't go away
DEFNE:Why do i go away from your side?A man who is beautiful,a man who has a beautiful heart.Why do i go away from this man's side?
OMER:Hmm...(KISS💏💃) see you
OMER:Oh! i forgot to say i'm irritated when someone touch my back of the neck.
OMER:You said 'tell me a secret about you which noone knows.' You're the only person who knows this.
See you
DEFNE:See you
DEFNE:Where are we?
OMER:at my parents' house
DEFNE:It s great.It still stands.
OMER:Not many people knows it either.I dont have many guests,too.Just Uncle Sadri(the old mentor shoemaker)
DEFNE:And i am the second guest
OMER:You re homeowner anymore.I come here time to time,stay one or two days and after i go back to city.
DEFNE:Oh,i understand.Here is your hidden sanctuary.
OMER:This house is good for me.I can relax and think here.
DEFNE:thinking? what do you think when you come here?
OMER:In these days..YOU.
I think you all the time......Come on
ÖMER:Welcome to your home.Come in
DEFNE:What a nice house!How cute it is!
OMER:You're here.
OMER:You're perfectly fitting to this house.
DEFNE:So beautiful house.It's just like...
OMER:Just like what?
DEFNE:Like you.Your secret side.That showy house in the city is your cold,strict side and here is the ömer who i know
OMER:It should resemble you.This house,that house in the city...Everything...
I want that everything resembles you anymore
Odcinek 10
Koray sends original photos to Omer & Omer finds out that the secret girl in the picture is Defne as he looks attentively at the picture he notices the spot which he saw on Defne's foot when she twisted her ankle. our jealous Defne couldn't stay at home and didn't know what to say, said to Omer that she couldn't find her note book and she might forget it here ( but in reality she looked around in order to see whether Feryal had already come or not ). Omer asks her about the girl on the picture. of course he does it on purpose in order to see Defne's reaction. he on purpose says that there is something in her pose,that it is not clear. Defne says what is up with it,she stands firm. Omer says no.she says people can stand firm in life but sometimes conditions make them do the things they don't want, you don't know everything. Omer says : are we still talking about the girl. do you know her? you protect her Defne ( says no ) Defne says yes that she's speaking about the girl. then Omer says she'd better not deny.Defne stands up and says her heart is stuck & that Omer looks as if he sees her brain& she confesses that the girl in th epicture is she and she had to do it because Koray pleaded her by saying that he also has heart and something might happen to him if she refuses. Omer asks why she didn't tell him the truth then. she says that at that time there were tense between them & she didn't want to enter the events. Omer says you're not aware of how deeply you've entered events.she doesn't understand ( as usual he says I"d explain,but you don't want to hear.you took a decision & I respected it he asks about her notebook whether she found it or not. she says as we changed the topic...then she again mentions Feryal & Omer feels that she is jealous & laughs at it.then she says no need to call Shukru,I 'd better go.Omer says stop. let's just once be calm,ok.Defne: ok,let's be calm but as Omer stands close to her she feels hot and says let's go out. and they go out.defne says I came suddenly/ spontaneously.again she says no need to call Shukru,I'll go. Feryal will come at any rate. Omer on purpose asks: don't you want Feryal to come ? Defne: it's not my concern,it's your personal life. MashAllah( it's religious word & that's why it's not translated ) it's ten o'clock in the evening.what kind of work is it ?good night as she stretches her hand to Omer, he pulls her to himself trying to kiss her.he looks into her eyes and feels that Defne's heart beats fast & that she also loves him.they were on the spot of kissing that the doorbell rang & Feryal came.Defne said: it is miss Feryal.Omer says don't move,please. he tries gently to send Feryal off & she feeling upset says what is that so important thing & goes.but when Omer goes to the garden finds out that Defne already left. he understands every thing and says :no problem,Defne,I understood you. now run away ,let's see how far you'll run
defne-wont feriyal come?
omer-feryal huh?
defne-umm, i better go. and you just do ur interview.
omer-stop. alright lets just be calm for once.
defne-lets be then, shall we go out?
defne-umm, i came here without letting u know. theres no need for uncle sukru. i can go on my own, feryal will be here soon and u know its 10.00pm and i wonder what that work is (Jealous)
omer-should she not come?
defne-i dont care if she comes or not its not my place. its ur own life so i better just go good night. (holds her hand to him...after kiss bell rings...)it must be feryal.
omer-dont move anywhere ill be right back
feryal-dear omer hello
feryal-what is up with ur face ? is there anything wrong?
omer-im sorry about this night. sth really importand came up im really sorry.
feryal-what? is that about that famous usta?
omer-no it isnt but as important as that. we should cancel the interview
feryal-hmm is that so?
omer-believe me icwouldnt do that if it wasnt important u know me.
feryal-yeah right, dont i? whatever that important thing is, yeah ok.
defne-(talks to herself) no i cant do this anytime soon im not ready yet my heart isnt ready yet. things would turn upside down if sth like that happens.
omer-thank u for ur understanding behavior.
ferya-ur welcome.
omer-i promise ill make it up to u.
ferya- sure about that dear. good night.
omer-good night. (looks for defne and after not finding her) its alright now defne. now i understand u. run as long as u can...
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Eclipse dnia 23:58:06 30-09-15, w całości zmieniany 4 razy |
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